Wednesday 13 May 2015

Human Rights Act: A letter to my MP

Letter to my MP on the plan to abolish the Human Rights Act:

Dear Andrew,

Congratulations on your re-election. No doubt it will mean plenty more emails from me.

At the weekend I was down in London for the Glossop North End's FA Vase Cup Final. The result was disappointing, but it did mean I was able to stay overnight in order to see the VE Day 70th Anniversary parade. Watching the veterans parading down Whitehall, many of them older than my clients at work, was a moving experience and reminded me of how we need to protect what they fought for.

One legacy of the war is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed in 1948 to ensure that what the Nazis did would never happen again.  I understand the Prime Minister's frustration with the European Court of Human Rights, which has left behind its main mission to concentrate on trivia like prisoner's voting rights, but we must not let this distract us from how important Human Rights are, and how vital it is to have them integrated into domestic UK Law.

What's more getting rid of the Human Rights Act will cause major problems within the UK. They are
a part of the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland, a deal which I, as someone who lived in Ireland in the 1990s, regard as John Major's greatest legacy. Abolishing the Act will also cause a further rift with Scotland at a time when we really need to be doing everything we can to persuade the Scots to stay in the Union.

Please right to the Prime Minister, with either your words or mine, asking him to reconsider this hasty action and to concentrate instead on the more pressing problems of the country.

Yours sincerely

Martin Porter

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